DryTex™ Stirrup LeathersLeathers made of durable DryTex™. Nylon backing to avoid stretching. The buckles sit on the bottom above your stirrup iron to ...
Covers made of SheepWoolOur sheep wool covers wrap wrap stirrup leathers or breastplates and are so soft and protective. They are secured with Velcro ...
Stirrup Leathers 'Mono'Stirrup leathers made from soft, sturdy leather. Leathers are of single thickness - therefore less bulky, lighter and do not p...
Stirrup Leathers, special styleLeathers made of durable smooth leather Nylon lined to avoid stretching. The buckles sit on the bottom above your stirr...
Wide Leathers, special styleThese leathers are double the width of regular ones. The rider's leg is more stable. We recommend these leathers for our m...